Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Applying Digital Tools

The term Digital Tools covers a wide range of devices and instruments that learning managers can apply in their learning experiences and include, but are not limited to, blogs, images, pod casting, videos, animation and wikis. When applied correctly these tools create and foster enriched and meaningful learning experiences which engage the learner.

But how are these tools applied and utilised within a learning experience? Let's start with pod casting. Pod casting is content that a listener can subscribe to and covers anything from an mP3 on iTunes, to the latest Hamish and Andy radio show. It is sound content on the Internet that can be downloaded and listened to. Pod casting can be used in the classroom for self-guided learning tasks, accessing training modules, and listening to stories. This tool can also be used to create and develop class projects such as a talk show or story which integrates the skills and knowledge they have learnt with the ability and enjoyment of pod casting.

Blogs are also growing in popularity amongst learner managers as a means to engage students in such simple tasks as developing typing skills right through to connecting and interacting with students from the other side of the world. Blogs give the students an outlet to create their own web page and comment, or blog, on aspects and experiences from the days lessons. It encourages students to use 'netiquette' to give and receive contrasting points of view. Blogs also provide learning managers with the ability to monitor and track their students' journey and may highlight any areas of concern or confusion that their students may have.

Applying these digital tools into the planning and implementation of our learning experiences is not a hard task and is very beneficial to the learner. When a learning manager provides students with these tools in creates an environment of self-guided, peer-motivated learning and each student has an ownership of their work which, once again, makes the learning journey engaging and meaningful.

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